Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Magic Of Thinking Big

Currently reading this book

Poin-poin penting buku ini :

* Percaya Anda dapat berhasil, maka Anda pun akan benar-benar berhasil.
* Keberhasilan seseorang ditentukan oleh besarnya cara berpikir seseorang.
* Anda tidak dapat memindahkan gunung hanya dengan “mengangankannya”, perlu kepercayaan yang kuat.
* Cara terbaik untuk memperoleh keberhasilan adalah dengan percaya bahwa anda dapat berhasil.
* Kesangsian berjalan bersama-sama dengan kegagalan.
* Kesangsian adalah kekuatan negatif. Ketika pikiran tidak percaya atau ragu, pikiran tersebut menarik “dalih” untuk menyokong ketidakpercayaan itu.
Keraguan, ketidakpercayaan, keinginan bawah sadar untuk gagal, perasaan tidak benar-benar ingin berhasil, bertanggung jawab atas sebagian besar kegagalan.

* Berpikir ragu maka Anda gagal. Berpikir menang maka Anda berhasil.
* Kepercayaan diri berhubungan dengan rasa berharga dalam diri manusia.
* Setiap orang adalah produk dari pikirannya. Percayalah akan hal-hal yang besar. Luncurkan serangan sukses dengan kepercayaan jujur dan tulus bahwa anda dapat berhasil. Percayalah akan kebesaran dan tumbuhlah dalam kebesaran.
Langkah pertama (dasar) menuju keberhasilan adalah percayalah kepada diri sendiri, percayalah bahwa Anda dapat berhasil.

terus buku Satu Lagi Alasan Untuk Tersenyum juga bagus banget looh karangan Zig Ziglar, recommended


I remember us together with a promise of forever.
We can do this, fight the pressure.


"Dulu aku sangat mencintaimu
Dulu kau segalanya bagiku
Memang dulu tak ada yang menggantikanmu
Tapi itu dulu sebelum ku terluka"

Our Song?

ya know? this should be our song :
And I
Never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you

And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try to feel the way we do today
And than if you can't remember.....

Keep smilin'
Keep shinin'

Knowin' you can always count on me
for sure
that's what friends are for

In good times
And bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Well you came and open me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you....

Ohhh and then
For the times when we're apart
Well just close your eyes and know
These words are comming from my heart
And then if you can't remember....Ohhhhh


sorry seems to be the hardest word

"It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word"
- Elton John

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Moon

so i decided to post something about new moon but in Indonesia okaay
eh iya masa kan waktu itu melza bilang dia pengen nonton "Bulan Baru" gue kira awalnya dia emang mau nonton bulan yg bulet itu di angkasa atau engga film Indonesia namanya Bulan Baru udh gitu gue sampe ngecek di google segala -____- daaaan gue baru nyadar ternyata maksudnya itu New Moon ckckckck
Taylor Lautnernya HOT ABIIIISS RobPatnya not so much hehe sorry Rob
Kiss nya nafsu sekaleeee heemm not for kids loh ehe berasa gede lu din -,-
awalnya karena gue udh baca bukunya duluan which is very boring gue kira filmnya juga ngebosenin ternyata pas liat trailernya keren banget looh romantis sekali yg punya pacar bisa nonton bareng pacarnya(?) dan gue ga punya pacar(mampus lu din)
hemm apalagi ya yg seru di NEW Moon? oh iya ada Dakota Fanning serem bgt matanya dia merah dan gue paling serem sama something yg matanya merah
keluarnya masih lamaaaaaa banget rese deh idih
nonton deh trailernya yg paling keren kalo gue bilang sih trailer yg #
udah deh ah bingung gue mau nulis apalagi eh kalo masukin youtube video ke blog gimana sih?whauhauhh malu deh hihi


Happy Birthday Ajeng :)


too bad we couldn't celebrate your birthday together
so I just wish you had a great time with your family



Thursday, September 3, 2009


ASTRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID kok blog lo ga bisa gua buka? malah permission denied parah banget deh ini gue doang yg ga bisa buka apa yg lain juga ga bisa buka?
ah tai ah

He's baaaaaaaaack

my brother's back in town everybody!!!!!
kan tadi gue pulang duluan naek kereta soalnya mau nonton sama icha&nina di margo wkwkwk jadinya nyokap gue masih nungguin adek gue di sekolah.
kata nyokap,adek gue pas turun dari bus tampangnya cemberut-,- trs sampe mobil katanya dia abis tidur di bus eh dia lansgung tidur lagi di mobil ga bangun2 pula parah banget yaak ckck
terus sampe rumah dia juga masih belom bangun jugaaa nyokap gue sampe udh nyalain ac kamar sama nurun2in barang2 dia, eh beberapa menit kemudian dia turun dari mobil nah kan biasanyaa dia langsung buka laptop, nyolokin kabel ke modem, terus main dah tuh ga gantian sama gua tapiiii ternyata dia langsung ke tempat tidur dan tidur lagiii kawaaaaan sampe skrg belom bangun huahauhau kasian adek gue kecapean yah lu yan?
masa kata nyokap gue adek gue bsk boleh ga masuk sekolah, aku juga ga mau masuk sekolah mama kalo clv gajadi bukpus bareng -________- eh jadi ga sih itu bukpusnya? bingung gua
eh iya tadi gue,icha,nina nonton G.I. JOE wkwkwk gue udah nonton 4 kali, si nina malah tidur lagi pas di bioskopnya ya ampun nina lo tuh harus liat CHANNING TATUM nya ganteng abiiiiiiis.
terus pas di tengah2 film tiba2 filmnya ngerror gitu parah banget deeeh dasar margo huakaka abis selesai nonton ke J.CO terus abis itu kita ke toilet hoo ga penting terus abis itu eh ternyata icha udh harus pulang ckck abis dari toilet gue sama nina ke body shop ehe abis itu pulang deh.
gue dijemput sama nyokap dan tmnnya, terus beli makanan buat buka puasa, kerumah temen nyokap gue abis itu pulang deh.

okedeh that's it for today, saya mau nge-youtube dulu yaaah


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

nothing else i can say

eh tau ga siiiiiih kan adek gue lagi sanlat yaa enak sih di rumah ga ada dia gue main ga ada yg gangguin, tapi sepi looooh ternyataaaaaa huhuhu ga ada yg teriak kayak orang gila gitu hehe
kangen juga gue sama rian hehe malu banget gua ngomongnya-,-
udah yeee


Things I Want Part 2

right now the thing i really want is FOOD ! haha
okay let's start


3. iMAC!


THAT'S IT! for now of course


hey guyssss:) how are ya? today, TODAY i started fasting-____-
it's hard but i must be strong hahaha
while waiting aku online heem
eh pake bahasa indonesia saja yaaa jadi giniiii kan gue,sinta,ajeng,mia,hani,citra kan sekolah karena ga ikt dikmensi terus tadi kita nonton film gittttchuuuw haha
kita nonton twilight huehehe tapi ga sampe selesai soalnya udh pulang
terus ya masa si mia cereweet banget ngomentarin filmnya
nih yg gue inget dia ngomong "ih edward apa gantengnya sih?"
nah kalo gue pas bagian yg edward sama bella ngomong ciee mulu-___- soalnya waktu itu yg lagi di restoran edward ngomong"i don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore" kan sweet banget otomatis gue ngomong ciee terus yg sebelumnya si edward nyelametin bella dari berandalans-.- gue ngomong ciee, pas bellaedward di hutan itu paling banyak ngomong ciee eh terus citra ngomong "ciee mulu lo din" wkwkw terus gue ngomong apa gitu lupa eh terus beberapa saat kemudian gue ngomong ciee lagi-,-

eh colorful kaaan postingan gue yg ga penting ini? wkwk
udah yee see you on my next post

Dinda :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009


hey guys i'm confuse really, what song do you think i should put on my blog?
tulis di shoutbox yaaa thanks
tapi for now JoJo-How To Touch A girl

Saturday, August 29, 2009

my new template

hey hey hey how's everybody doin'?
soo what do you think of my new template?
ncum did it actually thanks babe love you muah muah

hihi udh lama ga ngepost giliran baru ganti template langsung ngepost dah lu din ckck
hemm ngepost apaan ya? oh iya kelas gue aja kali yaaa

Class Name : Entqualist (Densus 89 haha ga deng)
Head class : Alfrizan Imaro
Vice- Head class : Ghifary Akbar
Secretary : May
Bendahara : Shanty


Tercantik : Hikari Citra Kirana

Terganteng : Ario Wibisono

Terbokep : Cowok : Muhammad Arlis
Cewek : Marchelita Dewi

Teralim : Cowok : Faza
Cewek : Shanty Zelita Hamid Siregar

Terpinter : Cowok : Muhammad Arlis
Cewek : Ambarianti Aulia Putri

Tereksis : Cowok : Alief Akbar
Cewek : Annisa Aulia

Terjayus : Cowok : Izra Halim Razzak
Cewek : Nabhila Puspitasari

Terlebay : Cowok : Ihsan Bagus Atyantodito
Cewek : Annisa Aulia

Tertoa : Cowok : Muhammad Arlis
Cewek : Annisa Aulia

Tertablo : Cowok : Adam Satrio
Cewek : Amalia Khairunissa

Terkalem : Cowok : Faza
Cewek : Kinanti

BEST COUPLE: Fikri Akbar-Nabhila Puspitasari

hihi gue ga dapet ckck it's okay laaaah
okedeh that's it i think see you on my next post guysss


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


eh kok blognya pada bagus semua sih? najong blog gua doang yg abal-,-

Thursday, July 23, 2009

brizkyyyyy :)

hey guys long time no post yaaaa hehe
iya gue tau blog gue abal, postingan gue ga ada yg menarik -_-
eh eh baca postingan astrid deh yg a love? itu dalem banget
pada bingung ga kenapa titlenya brizkyyyy :) ? bingung kan? bingung dong apadah
itutuh sebenernyaaaa hemmm ga jadi ngasih tau deh maluuu pokoknya special deh buat gue (gajuga sih tapi yaaa bodo ah)
eh eh kangen claventeeeeee anjir kangen baanget sumpaaaaaaaaaaaah
hehehe kayaknya gue mau bikin blog baru deh, blog yg ini abal mau bikin blog baru tolol ah lu din ckckc
eh bantuin gue dong ngedit blog gue bener-bener lupa caranyaaa-___- eh masa gue mau buka friendster gue lagi ehehe ngecek doang masa-masa alay wakoawkoako
oh iya kemaren kan gue pulang sekolah nah terus pas di kompleks gue ngeliat melza ada di belakang mobil gue naek becak hahaha terus sampe rumah gue manggil

g:melzaaaaaaaaa hb yaaa
m:(lo ngomong apaan mel?guelupa)
g:eh jalan doong
m:ayo ke pim
g:ayo gue pengen nonton public enemies sama HMTM
m:gue jugaaa
g:tapi HMTM kan adanya di Blitz doaang
m:emang iya?
g:kalo ga salah, eh nanti lo ada les ga?
g:gue ke rumah lo ya?
g:yaudah daaaa, hb ya mel

nah abis itu masuk rumah terus gue mandi, tadinya gue udh "mesen" CSI:MIAMI di AXN tapi berhubung gue lagi main di rumah meljong jaadinya ga nonton-,- WOLFE I LOVE YOUUUU hehe
di rumah melza, gue sama melza sih ga ngapangapain paling gue ngerjain melza, chat di msn sama melza, foto di webcam gue, daaaaaaaaaan gue nemuin buku melza waktu sd yg isinyaaa tidak gahulz sama sekali dan tidak bikin ngakak-_____-
melza pernah nulis "ga ada yg gw anggep bestfriend gw tapi kalian semua bestfriend gw" huakakakakakka aneh ah lu mel, oh iya terus si meljong juga nulis mY pHoTo uS hahahaha
terus you are is my bestfriends and kalo gue siiiiiih yang sangat memalukan adalah kalo nulis lo itu 'lw' weka gahoelz banget yak hahaha tapi itu bikin gue sama melza ngakak berduaan kayaak orang stress hehehe seru lhooooooooch haha
oh iya dulu kalo nulis lhoo kan loch.... terus apalagi yaa? huaaaa banyaaak deh hehe
terus abis itu gue pulang karna sudah maghrib fufufu meeeel jalan doooong jalaaaan

hemm okay oh iya gue sekarang kelas 8 lhooo hehe tapi maunya sama clv bukan yg lain haha apa banget udah yaaaa pak udin marah ntar kita lupa sama pak udin kalo udh ada laptop(?)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

please read

Hello guys, I'm gonna go to f-ing malaysia(sorry for those who love malaysia) so if you want to text me, don't cause I'm not gonna answer.
Pray for me-_- seriously I need it.
I think that's all so bye guys, wish me luck(?)
Oh and I miss clavente, by the way.

Adiosss friends


Friday, June 26, 2009

no title

Hey guys what's up?
aaaaaa I just watched TRANSFORMERS : REVENGE OF THE FALLEN it was f-ing awesome !!
Review later yaaaa.
Ajeeeeeng I have to disagree with you SOUR SALLY IS BETTER THAN JCOOL hahaha sorry babe but everybody have their own opinion -___-

I MISS CLAVENTE really, the best class eveeer

Okay bye

Monday, June 22, 2009

all in one

sekarang liburan loooooooh haha seneng dah gue tp ga seneng juga sih ga bisa ketemu clv bisa sih sebenernya tapi ya pada sibuk dengan acarnya sendiri2, ga bisa ikut perpisahan clv besok -,- sorry ya gue ada acara keluarga soalnya fufu
hari ini gue bangun jam 10 ladies and gentlemen(bangga) pas gue bangun nyokap bokap udh pergi terus adek gue juga ke sekolahnya ga tau ngapain ga nanya.
gue sendirian di rumah internetan buka youtube nyari jackass ckck buka facebook bikin twitter terus sekarang ol blog.
oh iya masa ya sim card gue ilaaaaaaang ah eshol kan sebel dah gue belom ngomong ke nyokap lagi huehehe biarin lah
kemaren gue abis dari science camp, pertama kalinya gue ikut science camp ckck pokoknya tuh acar wtf banget lah, acara sampe jam 12 malem bangun jam 04.30 pagi udh gitu yg ga tidur dimarahin pula nyolot banget dah.
terus waktu lg ngeliat bintang padahal gue udh ngantri eh pada nyelak ahelah pinter banget, ketemu anak2 scb hihi ada tata, dll
itu sumpah ya anak smabel kagak ada yg niat ikut tuh acara ckck udh lah males gue ngomongin acara yg bullshit itu

eh iya sumpah ya gue udh ga sabaran pengen nonton TRANSFORMERS 2 : REVENGE OF THE FALLEN aaaaaaaaaaaa tu film aaaaaargh keren banget bodo amet deh gue lebay abisan serius deh keren banget

oh iya waktu itu kan gue ke FX sama ncum berdua doang tuh huakaka abis pulang sekolah kita langsung ke fx dianter nyokap gue, sampe sana kita makan siang dulu terus baru jalan2 kayak anak ilang. kita makan sour sally sumpah enak banget mochinya huakakak punya ncum ga abis pula parah banget lo ncum abis dari situ kita nyari buku terus abis itu kita ke COLD STONE.
gue pengen lagiiii, males nyeritain lanjutin ceritanya padahal sebenernya kocak tapi juga lebih kocak lagi kalo ngeliat sendiri-_-
mau makan dulu yaaaaaaaa

adios friends

Monday, June 15, 2009

waiting -,-

Hey there bitches, haha ga deng canda-_-
Eh eh masa ya kan td gue ke cake storage sama ncum, sinta, citra, hani terus di sana kita menggila haha kecuali citra sama ncum, mereka asik main psp masing2.
kan tadinya gue mau beli oreo cheesecake ya eh sama ncum ga boleh gue disuruh beli yg lain
yaudah gue beli triple cheesecake ternyata si ncum mau beli oreo cheesecake(?)
sinta,hani,citra beli ice cream.
cheesecake gue sama ncum kan ga abis, nah gue tiba2 jeng jeng jeng ada ide gituu huahaha, gue campur kuenya ncum sama kue gue, warnanya jadi coklat2 gitu trs di pindahin ke gelas ice creamnya hani.
ingredientsnya(ceilah) tuh ada kue ncum sama gue, terus ada daun strawberry (eeeewwwh)
sinta nyobain eh ternyata katanya enak(wtf) di videoin deh sama gue and hani-_-
Pas sinta mau makan tu benda haha benda gue hueeee hueee hueee gitu huahahahhaha sorry ya sin ketularan jackass ga nyambung din ga nyambung -_-
Abis itu sinta,hani,citra pada pulang, tinggal gue sama ncum di cake storage.
Gue mainin psp ncum aye si ncum maenin hp gue, abis itu gue nebeng ncum sampe smabel terus kita nungguin winda dulu sambil nungguin winda gue maenin jackass huahaha
Terus tiba2 winda datang aaaah winda mah aku kan lg seru maen haha canda win, yasudah aku turun dari mobil ncum lalu menunggu di dpn smabel
Gue sms nyokap udh dimana ternyata masih di margonda laaaah?? Wtf banget gue marah2 heh sama nyokap marah2 parah ya lu din. Akhirnya gue tunggu di ctu tau deh nih skrg nyokap dmn -_-

Udh yeee gue mau nelfon nyokap dulu daaadaaaa

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hey there fellas, haha ngantuk ih.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

for god's sake, stop it

hello i'm dinda emily and i'm at the edge of a cliff and so not ready to die(wtf?)
i just wanna say love me or leave me, emang sekarang gue di jakarta gue jauh sama kalian ya gue minta maaf deh tapi this is what i want.
gue benciiiiiiiiiiii banget sama yg namanya pemuda bangsa tapi gue sayaaaaang sama kalian semua tp knp kalian ga bisa ngertiin gue sedikit aja, knp harus gue terus yg ngertiin lo semua?
i'm bs-ing again i know i know but i just..... aaargh i don't know i just want all this shit to stop
i can't take this anymore guys, so please grow up.
when i said forget the past, it didn't mean forgetting our friendship just forget you know tentang si.... you know lah

so? what is it going to be? you wanna love me or leave me?

Friday, June 12, 2009

apadah serah

Halo yg namanya a**** ***THINA a****** gue cuman mau nanya knp sih kok lo childish bgt? cuman nanya gitu doang semoga aja orangnya baca amiin


Hello guys, I've some problems and I wanna share it with y'all.
Actually it's not really a problem but, you know what just read.

Friends, I know y'all think I'm a girl who can stands living in this world alone but actually I'm not, I'm afraid of losing a lot of important things in my life. The most important thing in my life is you guys.. Well actually my mom is, but y'all are almost as important as my mom.
You make me feel so alive, I can't stand this situation right now.
We can't just post something on our blog and hope that we could be back together again like we used to.
I wanna say sorry to y'all, I love you guys so so much.
Friends stick together, right? I wanna cry, really. We'll find the solution to this stupid problem, we just have to stick together.
Obviously I've been BSing the whole time haha :)
So, I think that's all I wanna share to y'all:p



Thursday, June 11, 2009

cake storage

Hey there fellas, how are ya?
haha bullshit-_- yesterday.. all my trouble seems so far away. Loh kok jadi nyanyi? Sorry ya gue lg stress menghadapi ulum halah bullshit lg ckck.
eh kemaren gue,ncum,astrid,mia ke cake storage. Tadinya kita mau renang nebeng mobil gue tp ternyata ga renang akhirnya kita ke cake storage. Sampe cake storage mbaknya ngomong 'makan disini apa bawa pulang?' 'Makan sini mba' terus gue mesen oreo cheesecake, astrid mesen strawberry cheesecake, mia mesen tiramisu, ncum mesen choco black. Terus kita menggila gitu di situ, suasana di cake storage kan sepi banget nah kita tuh berisiknya bukan main-_-terus gue kan mau ke toilet ncum sama mia ikut, kata ncum ruangan di sebelah toilet kayak kamar mayat si mia katanya ketakutan gitu(gue lg di dalem toilet)mereka meninggalkan saya-,-
Ncum:eh eh itu si dinda gmn? dinda gmn?
Terus gue keluar dari toilet eh si ncum teriak kaget gitu tampangnya kocak huakakkaka (harus liat sendiri)
Beberapa menit setelahnya gue di jemput udh deh pulang, eh ga pulang haha gue ke RSCM sampe jam 8.
Sampe rumah jam 10 terus gue mandi, pakean, nonton shrek the third di HBO, tidur-_-

Udah yah daaaaa

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Gue bingung serius deh sama lo. Maunya apa sih? Yg bingung bukan gue doang,FYI,yg lain jg bingung sama lo. Lo tuh unpredictably unpredictable. Ga kasian apa sama yg lain? Have a heart please, lo harus punya pendirian yg tetap. Ini buat yg ngerasa aja ya, sorry tapi gue udh bingung mau ngomong apa lagi sama lo-_-

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

mau ganti template wakakak sorry ya blog gue lagi ancur

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


sorry all i haven't post anything lately -_- this is a homework from my friends udah lama banget sih tapi baru bisa nge post sekarang sorry yaaa

What's your current obsession?

My MOTOROLA, why? Because I bought it with my own money (my grandpa gave some money to me and then I bought this hand phone) oh, and PAUL WALKER lol


What's your weirdest obsession?

Scratch my nose ?


What are you wearing today?

My uniform (duh?).


What's for dinner today?

Ask my mom -_-


Why is today special?

Who said today is special?


What would you learn to do?

Control my anger -,-


What's the last thing you bought?



What are you listening to right now?

Yancy’s lesson


What is your favorite weather?

Summer ? aah hell I don’t know -,-


What is your most challenging goal right now?

I want to pass my 7th year with good scores, and I want to be able to drive a car.


What do you think of a person that tagged you?

Don’t know


If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?

NYC or Canada or I don’t know somewhere in America


What would you like to have in your hand right now?

MONEY, money, money and PAUL WALKER( paul holds my hand and aarrrgh you know what I mean)


What would you like to get rid of?

Global warming? Indonesian government


If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hours, where would it be?

America or somewhere peaceful and has great views


Which language do you want to learn?

France and Germany


What do you look for in a friend?

there are 3 qualities: honest, loyal, kind (hihi sorry ajeng, but I think everyone wants to have friend with those qualities)


Who do you want to meet in person?

My crush and Paul Walker


What's your favorite type of music?

Pop and old songs like queen, the carpenter etc.


What's the favorite piece of clothing in your closet?

my short pants and an oversized t-shirt


What is your dream job?

Haha this could be embarrassing but I wanna be an Actress


Any favorite models?

I forgot the name


If you have £100 what would you spend it on?

Dresses, DVDs, and saving accounts


Favorite designers?



Fashion pet peeve?


Do you admire anyone's style?

Someone.. in earth -,-



Describe your personal style!




yang mau siapa aja serah deh -_-


Tuesday, April 28, 2009



hello there, jadi kemaren ada reunian pb angkatan 20. gue sama melza jalan bareng di anterin nyokap gue. kita janjian jam 8.30 berangkat ke PB, abis gue mandi kan gue nungguin melza, nyokap gue nganterin adek gue sekolah terus gue bete sendirian di rumah akhirnya gue ke rumah melza.
si melza belom selesai mandi-,- gue tunggui deh sambil ngeliat-liat ke jendela siapa tau nyokap gue udah balik soalnya kunci di gue hehe
abis melza selesai mandi dia tuh bolak balik kamarnya-kamar nyokapnya aduh stres lo mel
terus dia udah pake baju terus dia ngaca di kamar nyokapnya eh terus dia balik lagi ke kamarnya pas dia keluar kamar ternyata dia ganti baju lagi aduh capek deh
kita ke mobil gue terus jalan ke PB, gue minta duit sama nyokap eh ternyata di dompet nyokap gue ga ada duit terus gue di suruh ambil duit dulu di BCA mana lama lagi tuh mas mas yg di dalem skip aja ya bagian ini

sampe di sekolah gue ama melza bingung cariin yg lain ternyata pada mangkal di bawah pohon mangga -_- di situ udah ada amira,dea,anisa safitri,yasmin,dll gue lupa siapa aja ehe
kangen juga gue sama mereka eheheh terus datenglah alfi terus sarah,dll males gue nulisnya
abis itu bunga,dentya,icha dkk dateng secara berurutan apa deh nah terus gue kira pada barengan gitu ngobrol2 ternyata malah kayak bikin genk sendiri2 sarah sama (yah yg satu sekolah sama dia tau lah sama siapa aja) mira sama dkk (termasuk gue) terus mira dkk ke kantin beli minum gitu deh. eh abis itu genknya sarah ada anggota baru namanya FAIRUZ idih najis deh sarah dkk duduk di depan lab komputer, mira dkk duduk di bawah pohon mangga
si fairuz ngeliatin kita sinis gitu idih najis banget sumpah menjijikan (lebay)

abis itu acara salam-salaman di mulai aduh kangen banget gue sama guru2 PB apalagi sama bu IRMA skip aje dah
terus istirahat eh gue kan benci banget ya sama yg namanya DANIELA sama MAWAR jijik banget deh, kenapa gue benci sama daniela? soalnya dia tuh pernah ikut tes masuk RSBI di smabel dan gayanya ya ampun pokoknya udah di black list sama temen2 gue terus dia tuh bilang tes lisan sama tertulisnya gampang mampus tuh anak ga lulus tes lisan ama tertulis makan tuh omongan lo
nah kenapa gue benci banget sama MAWAR?dia tuh ya nyolot abis baju sok2 dikeluarin udah gitu alay,centil,belagu,nyolot lagi. terus kemaren dia nulis di wall gue terus jadi perang deh liat aja di profile gue -,-

abis dari acara reunian yg ga jelas gue,icha,melza ke rumah gue maen komputer internetan melza bilang dia mau kerumahnya dulu terus ke rumah gue. gue sama icha nungguin kan si melza kok ga dateng2 akhirnya kita ngecek rumah melza ternyata si melza tadi tuh ketiduran halah yaudah abis itu gue,melza,icha ke rumah gue internetan juga abis itu icha di jemput nyokapnya yaaah pulang deh si icha terus lumayan lama setelah icha pulang melza suruh pulang soalnya adeknya mau les renang terus ga ada orang di rumah, mbaknya nemenin adeknya. terus nyokap gue mau nganterin adek gue terus gue udah bosen internetan gue main deh ke rumah melza hihi
kita buka fb terus si MAWAR BABI itu ngepost di wall gue terus si melza comment di wall postnya dia yg buat gue huahua skip, abis itu kita buka youtube bingung mau buka apaan terus melza buka hoedown throwdown pengen belajar gitu kita ahahah
eh adeknya melza sampe rumah langsung ikutan belajar gitu wkwkwkwk abis itu jam 8 kalo ga salah gue pulang -_- daa melza

udah ah ceritanya emang cuman segitu foto2nya di next postingan oke

Monday, April 27, 2009

dresses :)

rumah - indomaret - rumah

barusan aja gue nganterin bokap gue ke indomaret naik motor -__-
awalnya gue lagi main komputer terus lampu kamar gue mati, nyokap gue nyuruh bokap gue beli lampu di indomaret sekalian beli jus -,-
gue lagi asik-asik main eh terus bokap gue nyuruh gue ikut, tadinya gue ga mau tapi kasian bokap gue ribet bawa jus,dkk.
gue bukain pintu, bokap gue ngeluarin motor terus gue kira kan bokap gue yg mau bawa motornya si bokap malah nyuruh gue yg bawa -__-
akhirnya gue yg bawa dari rumah, jalanan di kompleks rumah gue ancur abis deh udah gitu polisi tidurnya tinggi2 pula kan serem gua
gue paling ga bisa ngelewatin polisi tidur pasti kena mesin motornya tapi tadi gue bisa ihihihihihi
keren kan? ga sih din biasa aja
bokap gue juga girang gitu akhirnya gue bisa ngelewatin polisi tidur -,-
akhirnya gue sampe indomaret dengan selamat terus abis itu beli lampu,jus,dkk terus ke parkiran
kan biasanya yg bawa motor pulang bokap gue tapi tadi karena pas perginya gue bisa ngelewatin polisi tidur (FYI gue bangga abis) gue di suruh bawa aaaaaahahahhaha
sampe rumah ni dah percakapan gue(g),nyokap(n),bokap(b)

b : wah dinda udah bisa bawa nih
g : hehe
b : kamu ajarin mama gih biar mama mu bisa bawa motor
g : hah? ah males mama takutan
n :(keluar dari kamar) udah ? (gue ga ngerti)
g : udah nih (gue kasih belanjaannya)
b : tadi dinda yg bawa pulang pergi
n : oh ya? wah ajarin mama dong
g : ajarin? hemm? (bokap gue udah senyam senyum aja)
n : knp ? ga mau ? takut keberatan?
g : dih engga orang bawa bokap aja bisa masa bawa mama ga bisa, males ngajarin mama abisan mama takutan sih orangnya (sambil jalan masuk ke kamar)
n : heh dasar nih anak ya ckckc
g : iyedah serah

ga penting abis kan ahaha tapi aku seneng akhirnya gue bisa hehe
eh eh aku mau pamer motorku yang kucinta ahahah

Sunday, April 26, 2009

this is so true !

Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.

interview :)

hey guys today i had a fun day with my girlfriends, we went to senayan city hihi
we wanted to go to FX but my father told me that thamrin and sudirman was closed cause it was FREE CARS DAY (?) what the hack? so i called my friends and told them to go to sency
mia was the first one who got there and then me and then sinta and astrid and then ncum :)
we met at the food court and then we went to the cinema to see the schedule of the movies then we went to the ground floor? (i forgot which floor) to hunt(wtf) foreigner
astrid saw a man standing alone walking around and we decided to follow him
i started to had the feeling that he knew we were following him, then he stopped walking
i don't have the guts to talk to him but then astrid and sinta talked to him and then i followed them but i was very shy
his name is Timothy and he is staying in indonesia for bussiness astrid recorded our interview
we wanted to take a picture with him and then astrid asked the security to take a picture of us but he said we can't take a picture in the mall (wth) so i took a picture of astrid,mia,ncum and timothy :)
i asked him about F.R.I.E.N.D.S but he said he is too old to watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S (and i'm too young watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S?)
after the crazy interview we went to the cinema, we already bought the ticket before the interview but ncum's mom told her to go home aaaaaaaaarrrrghhh
ncum said my brother should watch the movie with us so she gave her ticket to my brother
oh yeah when we were eating we saw alief ahaha
before we went into the theater mia and i played some kind of race car
i was at the first place but mia won aaaaarggh be careful mia i'm gonna be the winner and you're gonna be the loser ahahaha kidding:)
we watched race to witch mountain after that we went home
the end ahhaha

Saturday, April 25, 2009

crazy thought

i know it sounds crazy but i want to be a street racer
brian o'connor inspired me ahahaha


my elementary fellas there's gonna be a reunion, located in our school ( i mean pemuda bangsa ).
Tuesday 9 a.m.
please come okay ? and bring some money because we might wanna go to margo :)

p.s. IF YOU DON'T COME I'M GONNA HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU ahahahha that's too lebay (:

my crazy fam :)

it's not important really but i just don't know what else to write

so i was in fx with my dad,mom and bro. we were watching race to witch mountain ( very recommended to all of you alien lovers ) and before the movie start there were the previews of transformer 2 : revenge of the fallen and angels and demons .
me, my dad and bro really wants to see transformer 2 but my mom wants to see angels and demons, by the way it's not in the theater yet, and then my dad decided we're gonna watch both of the movies at midnight we just have to decided what movie we're gonna watch first (?)
so not important huh ? well here are the posters

creepy huh?

fx or sency ?

so guys, fx or sency ? please stop changing the places it's driving me crazy (lebay)
just pick one and then which ever the place is i'll be there okay :)

♥ love you all

hihi :)


hey hey hey what's up ? so my friends posted the list of things they want huh? almost the same as mine :) hahah that's okay guys you don't have to apologize LOL (wtf?)
actually the things i want are more than that but that's gonna take a lot of time
anyway i just wanna say that i love my friends and you guys are the best :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Things I Really Want

1. sidekick gold
2. iPhone 3g
4. MONEY (it supposed to be the first but oh well )
5. CITROEN car
6. Bahama baby :)

I don’t care what you think
As long as it’s about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery


yyayaya i'm sick, thanks for sinta,anisa,mia love you guys :)
my throat is killing me aaaaaarrrrrrghh
it's gonna be a long day, why? because :
first, i can't go to PIM with my friends and second, i'm sick (duh)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Audrey Hepburn's quotes

I like Audrey Hepburn's quotes

“Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.”

“It's that wonderful old-fashioned idea that others come first and you come second. This was the whole ethic by which I was brought up. Others matter more than you do, so 'don't fuss, dear; get on with it.'”

“I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it.”


so i'm annoying huh? well, darling you're just gonna have to accept that
look i don't care about what you think of me
you wanna say i'm ugly?crazy?dumb? i don't care
oh and you should look at the mirror and think of what you did wrong
and you think i wanna still the one you love? i'm not that kind of person
don't judge people if you don't want people to judge you

behind the scene

lagi nonton behind the scene fast and furious hihi

homework from astrid :)

this is my homework from astrid

1. Last beverage →Nasi uduk
2. Last phone call → My Mom

3. Last text message→
4. Last song you listened to → so far so great -demi lovato
5. Last time you cried→

1. Dated someone twice → no
2. Been cheated on? → no
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? →no, i never kiss someone
4. Lost someone special?→ hell yeah
5. Been depressed?→
6. Been drunk and threw up? → no

1. green
2. red
3. blue
4. yellow
5. black

1. Made new friends → yes
2. Fallen out of love → of course
3. Laughed until you cried → yes
4. Met someone who changed you → yes
5. Found out who your true friends were → yes
6. Found out someone was talking about you → haha yes
7. Kissed anyone on your friend list → yes, no, yes emm i don't know
8. How many people on your friend list do you know in real life → a lot, except my friend, i knew from facebook
9. How many kids do you want to have → a girl and a boy
10. Do you have any pets → not anymore
11. Do you want to change your name→ yeah to emily walker haha kidding, maybe
12. What did you do for your last birthday → my beloved friends gave me a surprise party, LOVE YOU guys :)
13. What time did you wake up today →6.58
14. What were you doing at midnight last night? → watching fast and furious over and over again till 2 o'clock
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → get the hell out of this stupid country
16. Last time you saw your father→ a moment ago
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life →ssssshhhhhhhhht it's a secret lol
18. What are you listening to right now → j.lo's interview
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → who the hell is tom?
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? → punch someone
24. Most visited web page → youtube

1. What's your name → Dinda Emily
2. Nicknames → Dinda, M, whatever
3. Relationship Status → single
4. Zodiac sign → Pisces
5. Male or female or transgendered → female
6. Elementary → SDS PEMUDA BANGSA
7. Middle School → 115 JHS
8. High school → ?
10. Hair color → black
11. Long or short → some say long some say short
16. Height → don't know, don't care
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → hell yeah
18. What do you like about yourself → i don't really think about my problems, it's life just move on and accept the fact that problems are gonna keep coming back to you
19. Piercings → ears
20. Tattoos → nope
21. Righty or lefty → righty maybe

22. First surgery → forgot
23. First piercing → when i got out of my mom's womb
24. First best friends → Melza Horiza

26. First sport you joined → Tennis
27. First pet → Fish
28. First vacation → Bali
29. First concert → forgot
30. First crush → forgot
49. Eating → don't know
50. Drinking → milk
52. I'm about to → ??
53. Listening to → classical music
55. Waiting for → him to like me back

58. Want kids? → OF COURSE
59. Want to get married? → yes
60. Careers in mind? → haven't really decide it yet

68. Lips or eyes → eyes
69. Hugs or kisses → hugs
70. Shorter or taller → taller
71. Older or Younger → Older
72. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice heart?
74. Sensitive or loud → not gonna answer
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → .

78. Kissed a stranger → no
79. Drank hard liquor → no
80. Lost glasses/contacts → no
81. Sex on first date → no
82. Broken someone's heart → yes
83. Had your own heart broken → yes
85. Been arrested → no
86. Turned someone down → yes
87. Cried when someone died → yes
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → no

89. Yourself → always
90. Miracles → maybe
91. Love at first sight → yes
92. Heaven → yes
93. Santa Clause → no
95. Kiss on the first date? → no
96. Angels → yes

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes, R_ _ _ _ _
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time → no
99. Had a pregnancy scare? → no
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → maybe

this is for :


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I'm so tired of being here, suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave
Your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along

When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me, me, me
sebenernya ga penting dan ga nyambung tapi ga tau kenapa pengen aja nge post -_-
here it goes (don't enjoy)

do you know why i'm still single? it's because i'm waiting for you boy
i've been giving my love for you and you don't even care ?
aaaargh what else can i do to make you care about me ?
i'm tired boy really
we've been friends like forever remember our childhood ?
we played together, laugh and all that non-sense things that we do
please tell me that you remember all of that
you're a goofy kind of guy, i know that
but that's what i like from you
(Teardrops on my guitar lyric)
You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
You're the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
(taylor swift's song)
Well, you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying
To let you know that what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you
(taylor's song)
In the middle of the night
When I'm in this dream
It's like
A million little stars
Spelling out your name
You gotta come on, come on
Say that we'll be together
Come on, come on
Little taste of heaven

Well i guess i just have to keep wishing on a star
wishing we'll be together

haha ga nyambung ya hehe
haduh bad day

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

pernah ga temen deket lo di ambil orang lain ? gue pernah lo ahahah
udah ah ga tau lagi mau nulis apa -,- mau nonton tokyo drift daaa


hello gue dapet ward dari sinta,nchum,astrid,ajeng :)

terus nih award buat siapa lagi ya? siapa aja deh terserah males gue aahaahah

1. Letakkan logo di blog anda
2. Tulis link blog yang memberi anda award
3. Berikan kembali award kepada 10 blogger yang dianggap paling friendly dan inspiratif dan buat link mereka di postingan anda
4. Supaya mereka tau.. Coba kasih tahu melalui comment posting mereka atau di kotak pesan.

"The loneliest woman in the world is a woman without a close woman friend"
well what do you think? is it true?
ahahaah sok banget yak gue pake inggris ahauhauhau
sorry jarang ngepost males gitu deh gue mau ceritain tentang paul walker ahaha
i am so in love with paul walker hihi
fast and furious 4 keren banget sumpah deh ah
mobilnya tuh keren abis paul walker tuh yang jadi Brian O'connor ahaha
dvd fast and furious yang abal aja gue beli aduh stress ya

si paul walker juga main di INTO THE BLUE(with jessica alba)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kentel Blood

haha ANISA CHANDRA KARIMAHku tercinta terserang penyakit kentel blood (?)
huahuahahuhauhau ga lucu din ga lucu iya jadi si nchum katanya darahnya kentel kekurangan cairan
aduh kasian bgt ya my baby tapi katanya nchum masuk hari rabu yey sepi bgt ga ada nchum
kangen -,- oh iya ih gue parah bgt sih GWS ya SALMA HANIFAHku (?) dia kena DBD aduh parah bgt gue belom jengukin insyaAllah gue bisa jenguk ya han
nah sekarang gue mau ceritain tentang hari ini
jadi tadi, mm tadi, tadi ga ada yg penting di sekolah eh iya gue kemaren ngejailin astrid wkwkw
kan dia lg chat sama vano (?) terus kan gue mau liat chat di atasnya ya eh ga boleh terus akhirnya
gue megang tangan astrid, gue suruh sinta nulis I LOVE YOU

jadi gini ni
A: astrid
V: vano

v:bvaghahuofh ljfhoayhflhfoueh
a:ashdat fkgauetfgu
nah itu chat diatas adalah part yg ga boleh gue liat
a: i love you(sinta yg nulis,gue yg nyuruh)
a:ljlkyrlajhvhrvah rlah viah vaoih raio
v:i love you too
jeng jeng jeng
a:eh itu tadi bukan gue sumpah(sekarang astrid)
a:van tadi itu gue bukan astrid - sinta
a:jangan marah ya van
dll gue lupa lagi heheheheh

udh yah segini dulu gue males ngetiknya
hoeheoheoheoheo daaaaaaa
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